North Sea (Norwegian, British, Danish, and German sectors) - 3D migration, fault, and salt modeling
UK - Permian Basin: 3D migration and pressure modeling, resource assessment
UK - West of Shetland: 3D migration and pressure modeling, resource assessment
UK - Weald Basin: 3D basin modelling. Risk and resource evaluation of in-place Kimmeridge Clay shale oil.
UK - Gainsborough Trough: 3D basin modelling. Risk and resource evaluation of in-place Bowland Shale oil and gas.
UK - North Sea: 3D basin modeling. Charge modeling of the Tay and Forties fans
UK - Wytch Farm Oil Field: 3D structural restoration (inverted normal fault system) and migration pathway mapping on restored model. New charge model applied to offshore exploration.
NORWAY - Norwegian Sea: 3D migration and pressure modeling, resource assessment
NORWAY - Barents Sea: 3D migration and pressure modeling, resource assessment
NORWAY - North Atlantic Margin: 2D and 3D structural and stratigraphic seismic interpretation, regional 3D basin modeling. Thermal maturity of Spekk Formation. Play fairway mapping.
NORWAY - Halten Terrace: 3D structural and stratigraphic seismic interpretation, field-scale 3D basin modeling. Charge modeling of Asgard Field and satellite structures.
ITALY - Adriatic Sea: 3D migration modeling
GERMANY - North German Lowlands: 2D migration and salt modeling
HUNGARY - Paleogene Basin: 3D migration modeling, prospect evaluation