Carolyn worked at BEB
(German Branch of Royal Dutch Shell and Exxon Mobil) analyzing cores
and preparing reservoir-facies maps before receiving a Ph.D. in Geology
(numerical simulation) from the University of Cologne in cooperation
with the University of Minnesota. She spent seven years as chief
geologist at Integrated Exploration Systems GmbH (IES, now Schlumberger PetroMod Group) where she was
involved in worldwide training of industry clients, agents and
consultants for 2D and 3D BPSM. She is an expert in petroleum systems analysis,
migration modeling, charge risk and resource assessment, specializing
in support of oil and gas exploration and development projects with
international E&P companies. Carolyn is an inaugural co-founder of the Basin and Petroleum Systems Modeling
affiliates program (BPSM) and a consulting professor
in the School of Earth, Energy & Environmental Sciences at Stanford University.
Menotti, T., Schenk, O., Lampe, C., Fuchs, T. & Graham, S.A. (2016):
Modeling strike-slip motion in basin and petroleum system analysis: a new
method and applications using the Salinas Basin, California. - Marine and
Petroleum Geology (in press).
Lampe, C. & Schwark, L. (2013): Using various geochemical parameters to
verify subsurface maturity anomalies induced by hydrothermal fluid flow -
an example from the Upper Rhinegraben, Germany. - In: Peters, K.E. & Harris,
N.B. (Eds.): Thermal History Analysis of Sedimentary Basins: Methods and
Applications. - SEPM Special Publication, 103: 187-198.
Lampe, C., Song, G., Cong, L. & Mu, X. (2012): Fault control on hydrocarbon
migration and accumulation in the Tertiary Dongying Depression, Bohai Basin,
China. - AAPG Bulletin, 96/6: 983-1000.
Lampe, C., Bird, K.J., Moore, T.E., Ratliff, R.A. & Freeman, B. (2012):
Modeling3: Integrating structural modeling, fault property analysis, and
petroleum systems modeling - an example from the Brooks Range foothills
of the Alaska North Slope. - in: K. Peters, D. Curry, and M. Kacewics,
eds., Basin Modeling: New Horizons in Research and Applications - AAPG
Hedberg Series, 4: 119-136.
Baur, F., Littke, R., Wielens, H., Lampe, C. & Fuchs, T. (2010): Basin Modeling
meets Rift Analysis - a Numerical Modeling Study from the Jeanne d'Arc Basin,
offshore Newfoundland, Canada. - Marine and Petroleum Geology, 27/3: 585-599.
Baur, F., Di Benedetto, M., Fuchs, T., Lampe, C. & Sciamanna, S. (2009):
Integrated structural geology and petroleum systems modeling - a pilot project
from Bolivia's fold and thrust belt. - Marine and Petroleum Geology, 26/4: 573-580.
Peters K.E., L.B. Magoon, C. Lampe, A. Hosford-Scheirer, P.G. Lillis, and D.L.
Gautier (2008): A four-dimensional petroleum systems model for the San
Joaquin Basin, California, in Hosford Scheirer, Allegra, ed., 2007, Petroleum
systems and geologic assessment of oil and gas in the San Joaquin Basin Province,
California: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1713, chapter 12,
p. 1-35
Lampe, C., Kornpihl, K., Sciamanna, S., Zapata, T., Zamora,
G. (2006): Petroleum systems modeling in tectonically complex areas -
a 2D migration study from the Neuquen Basin, Argentina. - Journal of
Geochemical Exploration, 89: 201-204.
De Walque, L., Lampe, C. & Palmowski, D. (2007): Using 2D Petroleum
Systems Modeling (TecLink®) in Complex Tectonic Settings - Application
to the Greater Cusiana Field, Colombia. - AAPG Search and Discover
Article #90066, AAPG Hedberg Conference, The Hague, The Netherlands.
Lampe, C. & Person, M. (2002): Advective cooling within sedimentary
rift basins - application to the Upper Rhinegraben (Germany). -
Marine and Petroleum Geology, 19/3: 361-375.
Lampe, C. (2001): The effects of hydrothermal fluid flow on the
temperature history of the northern Upper Rhinegraben: numerical
simulation studies. - Kölner Forum für Geologie und Paläontologie, 8: 126pp.
Lampe, C., Person, M., Nöth, S. & Ricken, W. (2001): Episodic fluid
flow within continental rift basins - some insights from field data
and mathematical models of the Upper Rhinegraben. - Geofluids, 1/1: 42-54.
Lampe, C. & Person, M. (2000): Episodic hydrothermal fluid flow in the
Upper Rhinegraben (Germany). - Journal of Geochemical Research, 69/70: 37-40.
Lampe, C. (1999): Zur faziellen und sedimentologischen
Entwicklung des Buntsandsteins in der östlichen Frankenberger
Bucht. – Geologisches Jahrbuch Hessen, 127: 57-70; Wiesbaden.
Lampe, C., Peters, K.E., Magoon, L.M., Bird, K.
& Lillis, P. (2003): The Shublik's petroleum systems of the
Alaskan North Slope - A numerical journey from source to trap. - ["AAPG
Annual Meeting", Salt Lake City, May 11-14]; USGS Open-File Report
03-326, 3 sheets,
Magoon, L.M., Lillis, P., Bird, K., Lampe, C.
& Peters, K.E. (2003): Alaskan North Slope Petroleum Systems. -
["AAPG Annual Meeting", Salt Lake City, May 11-14]; USGS Open-File
Report 03-324, 3 sheets,
Peters, K.E., Bird, K.J., Magoon, L.B., Lampe, C.,
Lillis, P.G. & Verma, M.K. (2004): Modeling Petroleum Systems
on the North Slope of Alaska. – ["AAPG Annual Meeting",
Dallas, April 18-21]; USGS Open-File Report 03-328: